
Author: Ann McGovern [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving 
Edition: Reissue 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 0590461885 
ISBN 13: 9780590461887 
If You Lived In Colonial Times 
Edition: Updated 
Year: 1992 
ISBN: 059045160X 
ISBN 13: 9780590451604 
If You Lived 100 Years Ago 
Edition: First Scholastic Printing 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 0590960016 
ISBN 13: 9780590960014 
If You Lived With The Sioux Indians 
Edition: Reprint 
Year: 1992 
ISBN: 0590451626 
ISBN 13: 9780590451628 
. . . If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 
Edition: Reprint 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 0590451618 
ISBN 13: 9780590451611 
If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln 
Edition: Updated 
Year: 1976 
ISBN: 0590451545 
ISBN 13: 9780590451543 
Shark Lady True Adventures of Eugenie Clark 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 1978 
ISBN: 0590076043 
ISBN 13: 9780590076043 
Stone Soup 
Edition: Reissue 
Year: 1986 
ISBN: 0590416022 
ISBN 13: 9780590416023